
What is Skinpen® ?

When it comes to achieving beautiful skin, choose the medical microneedling SkinPen® Precision exclusively designed for healthcare professionals and indicated in:

  • Treating acne and surgical scars
  • Smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck
  • Reducing the appearance of pigmentation disorders (melasma, lentigo, vitiligo…)
  • Improving the appearance of enlarged pores and stretch marks.

Improve the appearance of your skin with SkinPen.

SkinPen® Precision is an effective microneedling medical device performed by healthcare professionals trained in this technique. It is designed to safely improve skin quality.

SkinPen® Precision is the world’s first and only FDA-approved mechanical remodeling device. With over 500,000 treatments and more than 6,000 devices sold in over 35 countries, SkinPen® Precision is a trusted choice for skin improvement.

Based on collagen induction therapy, this device effectively and safely treats acne and surgical scars, wrinkles and fine lines, pigmentation disorders (melasma, lentigo, vitiligo), and stretch marks.

This treatment is suitable for all skin types and can be performed at any time of the year without any social downtime.

Its main effects include rejuvenation, revitalization, and skin tone uniformity.

Treatment Protocol

3 to 6 sessions of 30 minutes spaced 30 days apart depending on the indications.


  • Refined and even skin texture

  • Smoothed wrinkles and fine lines

  • Improved acne and post-operative scars

  • Reduced stretch marks

  • Natural and long-lasting results

  • Medical treatment with reduced recovery time and accessible to all

  • First FDA-approved medical microneedling.